2020. augusztus 14., péntek

Portrait of Elizabeth Sherman Cameron

Anders Zorn (Swedish, 1860-1920) - Portrait of Elizabeth Sherman Cameron, 1900 (Oil on canvas) - - Elizabeth Sherman Cameron was dangerously fascinating, and all who laid eyes on her were captivated. She arrived in Washington D. C. January 1878 for the social season to become acquainted with her fiancé, the lanky, dour millionaire from Pennsylvania, Senator James Donald Cameron. This loveless match to a widower 25 years her senior had been arranged in agreement with her father (an impecunious district court judge) by two Sherman uncles, John, Secretary of the Treasury under President Hayes, and General William Tecumseh of Civil War fame. It was done with the apparent acquiescence of their niece, who had decided to marry, if not for love, then for money. (NegyArt Gallery) - szingy 

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